Important notes
- Forecasts are predictions of the future based on what is happening right now, and may at times be inaccurate.
- While some errors may be unavoidable, there are changes we can make to a spot's configuration based on your feedback. We're keen to hear more.
- On the website, you can report an accurate/inaccurate forecast using a prompt above the Current Surf Conditions on the website (see the screenshot below).
Or via the Surfline iOS app.
With this new forecast feedback prompt on iOS and web, you can let us know how accurate the forecast felt at your spot the last time you surfed there. That info goes to our forecast and data science teams, so they can work on the forecast models and improve accuracy moving forward.
How can I share my experience with Surfline?
For spots with human-observed surf reports, Surfline forecasters update the report twice daily. Once around sunrise, followed by an afternoon update, typically between 12pm-2pm local time. Bear in mind that conditions can change quickly throughout the day. Wave heights and conditions posted at sunrise may look different later in the morning due to changes in winds or tides.
If you would like us to take a look the forecast in your area, we need:
- Screenshot of the forecast you're looking at
- Description of real conditions (use this page as a guide)
- Photo of someone surfing a wave, if possible!
- Send it to
For this information to be of any use to us, we must know the exact time, date and location of your observation. We are always keen to hear your more general feedback, but in the case of improving accuracy, specifics are essential!
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