How do I find a surf spot on the Surfline website?

  • Updated

You can search for spot pages on Surfline by using one of the following: the search function; Surfline's surf spot map; or the regional categorization. 

Search function

If you know the name of the spot you are looking for, head to the search function found at the top of the homepage on the website, and type in the name of the spot. Under the Surf Spots list look for the spot name, but make sure to take note of the region listed to the right of the spot name as there could be multiple spot pages with the same name.


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Screenshot 2024-03-12 at 3.58.13 PM.png

Surfline's surf spot map

If you know where the spot sits geographically, use Surfline’s surf spot map to locate it.

Regional categorization 

If you know where the spot is by region, use the Cams & Forecasts dropdown menu to determine the continent > country > region > area (see below). 

Cams & Forecasts dropdown menu (top left of any page)

Want to add a new spot to Surfline? Send us the well-known name of the spot, and the decimal coordinates that pinpoint the breaking waves.

You can quickly grab coordinates from Google Maps by right-clicking on any location and left-clicking the coordinates to copy them to your clipboard.
Want to add a camera to an existing spot on Surfline? Take a look at the following here for more information. 
Let know if you have any questions or feedback to share.


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