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Rip Curl SearchGPS Watch
iPhone with iOS 14 (or more recent) with the SearchGPS app installed and Surfline app installed
The time on your Rip Curl Search GPS watch must be accurate within 1 second to to sync your videos properly with Surfline Sessions. Use the GPS auto-set feature on the watch to ensure getting the right clips.
How to connect your SearchGPS watch to Surfline Sessions
Download the SearchGPS app to your iPhone.
Create an account or sign into the app.
Go to the Settings screen and toggle Surfline connect ON under the Surfline heading
Log in to your Surfline account in the pop up window to Connect to Rip Curl
Verify your connection by authorising Rip Curl to connect to Surfline
Or through the Surfline app...
Head to the Account tab (bottom right of app screen)
Hit Connect a Partner under Connected Accounts
Choose Connect to Rip Curl
Sign in to your Rip Curl account in the pop up window and follow instructions to connect accounts.
Verify your connection on the "Done" screen
How to generate a Session
Make sure your watch time is accurate to the second (do a GPS Time Sync).
Go surf!
Sync your Rip Curl watch as normal to the Rip Curl app.
Open the Surfline App and click the middle tab.
Experiencing issues?
Take screenshots that show us what you're seeing in the Sessions tab of the Surfline app
Take screenshots that show us what you're seeing in the SearchGPS app for the same Session
Help us understand if this is a new problem or if you've never got it working
Explain in as much detail as possible what you've observed
Submit a request Sessions Question
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