Important points
- iOS only
- Only works for spots with a human forecast
- Need to allow notifications for Surfline
What are Surf Alerts?
Surf Alerts allow you to set up push notifications for specific spots under certain conditions (based on a rating and surf height) from your Surfline iOS app.
Surf Alerts will only work for spots covered by a member of our human forecast team, where a human is manually inputting the surf height in their AM/PM report.
How do I set them up?
1. In the Surfline app, hit Surf Alerts under the Account tab
2. Hit + Add Spot Notification and search for the spot. Hit the compass arrow to be shown spots near you. When you find the spot you're looking for, mark it with a green tick by clicking on it. You can add multiple spots at the same time if the parameters are the same
3. Set up the surf height & rating you want to be notified about. Select whether you'd like to be alerted to the AM or PM report, or both!
4. Once your notifications are set up, they can be edited by tapping them or toggling them on or off.
I'm not receiving the Alerts I set up
Check the Important points noted at the top of the article.
The most likely reason is the spot(s) aren't covered by a human forecaster, or Surfline hasn't been granted the necessary notification permissions in your iPhone settings.
Even if a subregional report is showing on the spot you want alerts on - if our global wave model is driving the surf heights, we won't send notifications. We will only fire an Alert when a human has actually checked the surf and made a call.
How to report an issue
Write to with screenshots showing us a) your Surf Alerts & parameters from within the Surfline app, and b) the permissions you granted Surfline from within your iPhone settings. We'll take a closer look to see what's going on.
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