What are the stars on some days but not others?

  • Updated


Important notes

  • In 2025 we launch some updates to the way we present forecast analysis
  • We're bringing valuable information closer to where it'll be seen
  • Short, near and long term analysis from our team of experts will appear directly on the 16 day forecast with starred "days to watch".

What are the stars?

"Days to watch" are picked by our team of forecasters so they can elaborate on the LOTUS spot data for the most promising-looking days on the forecast.

Our team used to write analysis for the first 7 days of the forecast, regardless of conditions. We think this change allows us to invest more in the days you care most about.

There isn't any written forecast on a day I'm able to surf?

If there isn't much to write about, there won't be much to read about. Follow the LOTUS swell, surf ratings, spot data and advanced forecast tools to pick the best moment to paddle out based on your experience with the break.



Let us know where you're based, and why covering the upcoming 7 days was more valuable to your surf planning at feedback@surfline.com. We're stoked to hear from you.


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