How can I delete waves?

  • Updated

Important Notes:

  • You can no longer mark rides as false - but hear & appreciate the feedback that this needs to be reintroduced!
  • Make sure you're hitting STOP on your Session when you're getting out of the water. If the button doesn't respond try long pressing STOP. 

I'm recording false rides

It is important you STOP the Session when you get out of the water. Those accidental rides recorded on the drive home jam up the system! 

We understand the Apple Watch can be hard to use when wet - but have had some success with a slightly longer press on the STOP button in order to finish your Session.

If false rides are a frequent issue, would like to know. Attach a few URL examples and provide any further details about your device, where you're surfing, and any other information that might help us take a look. 

Favorite Waves

Customer feedback we worked from wanted a one-stop-shop to access all your best waves across all Sessions.

So instead of deleting the worst rides, start saving your best rides!

image (5).png


Hit the + symbol next to the waves you would like to save, and find them at the bottom of the Sessions homepage.


image (6).png

We appreciate the feedback provided regarding the necessity to clean up your individual Sessions. Thanks for continuing to record your surfs! 

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