Can I change the language on Surfline?

  • Updated

Important notes

  • Surfline currently only available in English
  • The translations provided will help some interpretation but will naturally be prone to errors


How can I change the language of the website

Use Google Chrome and Google Translate.

1. Download Google Chrome here.

2. Add the Google Translate browser extension here.

3. Open and hit the Google Translate browser extension, then TRANSLATE THIS PAGE.

Screenshot 2024-01-09 at 14.59.42.png


4. Choose a language available using the dropdown menu in the top left corner of the screen.

Screenshot 2024-01-09 at 15.02.30.png



How can I change the language of the app?

Apple Change the language on your iPhone or iPad

Google Play Change app language on your Android phone



Feel free to let know which language you were hoping Surfline offered, if you experience any issues with the recommendations, or if you're managing to translate the website/app using another technique we can share with our international audience!

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