The quickest way to get an answer to your question is to use our Help Desk.
We write articles (like this one you're reading) based on the questions we're most frequently asked. Type your issue into the search bar to see if any answers come up.
If you can't find what you're looking for, we definitely want to know about it! Submit a request and we'll get back to you in a few days.
You can find our help articles through the app! Hit the Account tab (bottom right of app screen) and look for Help & Support.
You can also write in through the app, and pick up the conversation via the email address you are logged in under.
Contact from the email address associated with your account.
We do not offer phone-based support, but please don’t misunderstand this as any lack of our intent or desire to assist you with your subscription.
After experimenting with different approaches, we’ve found that email support enables us to provide the fastest response with the most thorough list of directions. We focus on providing fast and high-quality responses by email, so you’re always talking to a human who can help first-hand.
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